GOYN Ramgarh - Color

GOYN in Ramgarh

The Global opportunity Youth Network, Ramgarh is aimed in unlocking the economic potential for “opportunity youth” in Ramgarh.

The Global opportunity Youth Network, Ramgarh is aimed in unlocking the economic potential for “opportunity youth” in Ramgarh. Working on the principle of “collective impact”, GOYN Ramgarh facilitates a deeper level of ecosystem collaboration and coordinated action to transform livelihood opportunities for the opportunity youth at the district level. With Transform Rural India Foundation as the anchor partner, this program is directed towards fulfilling the vision of access to dignified, diversified and sustainable livelihoods for every opportunity youth in Ramgarh.

GOYN Ramgarh


Ramgharh District

Evidence based

Multi-Stakeholder Co-Design

Research and Evidence

GOYN Ramgarh Collaborative Infrastructure

Youth Employment



Local Partners



Youth Fellows

Through the fellowship program, young people from all walks of life with diverse career interests have been given the opportunity to dig in and get their hands dirty to understand the challenges faced by the rural youth and help create solutions to access and lead a dignified life.

The youth fellows are also in the age group of opportunity youth, which brings a sense of empathy and makes it easier to connect with our target population and find solutions co-designed by the opportunity youth- Nothing about us, without us !

Every Block has two youth fellows to take up GOYN activities and work proactively for popularizing the importance of youth programs/ agenda at the Block level and act as a facilitator for youth hubs.

Youth Hubs

Youth hubs are interactive and dynamic convening space for the opportunity youth and provide linkage/ support to interact with local community and various stakeholders, act as platform for research and innovation and upgrade the capacity of local youth.


The youth hubs are youth owned, locally adapted and function in a sustainable mode.


Objectives of youth hub: